Editcraft exists to help you tell your story. Through images, music, and compelling footage made into something more than its parts. Learn more about our story and what drives us to create.

About me Photo Real Mehedi Free Framer Template Photography
About me Photo Real Mehedi Free Framer Template Photography

My journey into video editing began as I documented the colors and sounds of the East. As an official Ambassador of American music for the US State Department, I toured with my father performing and teaching throughout 17 countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, spreading goodwill and cross-cultural understanding through musical exchange.

On these myriad journeys, I filmed our experiences on the road, on stage and behind-the-scenes, documenting interactions that may never happen again in the present state of the world. It was through these tours that I found a love of filmmaking and creating in the visual arts.

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Tucker Livingston was born into a family of artists and musicians in Austin, Tx. He soon followed in his father's footsteps and became a singer-songwriter and guitarist. In his 20's, along with pursuing his solo career, he collaborated and toured with his father, Bob Livingston, a noted Texas musician that was instrumental in developing the outlaw country movements in the 70's.

Beginning in 1998, Bob and Tucker Livingston began traveling together on a series of music tours sponsored by the U.S. State Department. Acting as ambassadors of American music, they were sent repeatedly to 17 different countries throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Asia to promote goodwill and cross-cultural understanding through musical exchange. What followed were life changing adventures and musical interactions that touched everyone involved  with a sense of unity and brotherhood.

In the spring of 2003, Tucker entered and won the Austin Music Foundation's Incubator competition as Best Texas Singer-Songwriter, the award provided a grant to create and market a recorded work. Soon after recording and releasing this album, famed choreographer Gina Patterson of Ballet Austin choreographed the 2004 Winter Ballet to Tucker's music in four highly acclaimed sold-out performances at Austin's own Paramount Theatre. On Apple’s iTunes online music store, Tucker’s self-titled debut CD was the # 6 most internationally downloaded folk artist album.

After a long career in music, Tucker stepped away from the limelight and began focusing on creative video work. He works from home with his wife and son, and pursues his love of the visual arts with his company Editcraft.

Video Editing